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Emergency Response Planning

Planning a response ahead of an emergency is the best way to protect your property.

Our team, with their extensive years of experience in the fire and rescue sector as operational commanders, conduct site surveys and build information packs which give the fire services the information they need to deal with any incident and help protect your staff, property and business.

The right response preparation can mean a faster on-site response time from the fire service, meaning less damage is caused and a faster recovery after a fire.

What is a premises information box and why should I have one?

A premises information box aims to ensure that firefighters have immediate access to relevant information about the premises, which can help them make more informed decisions and respond effectively to emergencies. The box is usually installed in a secure and easily accessible location on the exterior of the building, such as near the main entrance or in close proximity to a fire hydrant.

Premises Information Pack
Premises Information Packs

Premises Information Packs Provide:

  • Vital information to the fire and rescue service to deal with any incident
  • Premise information packs provide Incident information such as:
  • Building Plans
  • Fire safety systems
  • Hazardous areas
  • Isolation points
  • Premises Risks
  • Which mitigates damage and reduces insurance claims

Watch the video below to see how, in a training scenario, a premises information box is used by the fire service to best access the building and quickly find the best method to approach this building.

Emergency Response Planning

Emergency Response Planning



Fire Risk Assessment

Fire Risk Assessment

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