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DSEAR or “the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002” requires employers to assess the risks of fires and explosions that may be caused by dangerous substances in the workplace. Since June 2015 DSEAR also covers the risk caused by gases under pressure and substances that are corrosive to metals.

Our team are qualified ROSPA-accredited risk assessors for all your DSEAR risk assessment needs.

ERMCO will work alongside you and your staff to ensure the safety of you, your staff, your business and the environment.

Gas Cylinders

What does DSEAR mean for you?

According to the government, if you are an employer, there are various risk assessments you must do for DSEAR, these include:

  • Find out what dangerous substances are in your workplace and what the risks are.
  • Put control measures in place to either remove those risks or, where this is not possible, control them.
  • Put controls in place to reduce the effects of any incidents involving dangerous substances.
  • Prepare plans and procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies involving dangerous substances.
  • Make sure employees are properly informed about and trained to control or deal with the risks from the dangerous substances.
  • Identify and classify areas of the workplace where explosive atmospheres may occur and avoid ignition sources (from unprotected equipment, for example) in those areas.

ERMCO are fully qualified to help you and all your DSEAR risk assessment needs.

Emergency Response Planning

Emergency Response Planning



Fire Risk Assessment

Fire Risk Assessment

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